Tribute to Dr.Kalam sir 🙏🙏

Tribute to Visionary Dr. Kalam

The world is going through very turbulent times. The National and international bodies are cooperating on various platforms to overcome the poised contemporary difficulties, However, in this ongoing fight, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s thoughts make a continuous reminder for humankind that earth is the only livable planet. Humanity is duty-bound to protect and preserve this planet earth. Our society and governance systems have become far more sensitive than ever before, as little delays in action can cause unrepairable results. These circumstances have frightened human consciousness and invariably shown the mirror to his actions and deeds for the consumption of natural resources. The sustainable and futuristic approach for a balanced use of these resources had lacked sincere efforts. However, various institutional bodies have theorized for such noble work, and Indian values and ethos have imbibed the very guiding principle for sustaining and protecting the planet. Today man-made forces are as big threat to Planet livability as factors like global warming and pollution. The combination of better governance systems and demographic dividends of India, having 65 percent population below the age of 35 years, are the key ingredients for building developed India for the world to take inspiration for sustainability. Few Individuals emerged deep inside the repository of knowledge and wisdom and enlightened the society to receive inspiration for bettering the lives of future generations. Former President and Bharat Ratan Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s life is a teaching for humanity towards preserving the Nature. On his 5th death anniversary today, recalling and adopting the wisdom of Kalam in our daily lives will be the most accurate tribute to the noble soul.
He had warned as well as inspired in to walk the talk as an individual and collectively to make a developed India by 2020. His final and cautionary lecture on the subject ‘Creating a livable planet Earth’ at Indian Institute of Management, Shillong, on the evening of 27th July 2015, wherein he meticulously warned for managing damages to the earth’s ecosystem amidst mankind’s quest for development. He laid down the principle for the future course of action for saving Nature. It was the Beijing Forum at China on 2 November 2012 that Dr. Kalam had first proposed the thought of how vital is livable planet earth. Addressing the forum, he said.
“The humanity needs a great vision to forget all the conflicts and move towards a common goal of peace and prosperity for all the global citizens. We visualize the birth of world vision leading to “Livable Planet earth”. This vision will be greater than any other vision so far envisioned by the humanity.”
His utmost priority for adhering to this vision leads us to take lessons from Nature itself. Today the technologically connected world has become a global village i.e. borderless; individuals and orginasations have their unique ways to contribute to this vision simultaneously working for their excellence. We must include green measures in our daily lives. Lives of living creatures are interlinked with each other and this year’s environment days theme ‘Biodiversity’ stressed to holistically strengthen this linkage. The Nature has an advanced level of capabilities to teach tolerance, to build an amicable relationship with humanity, and it is an apt moment to re-introspect this relationship. Need of the hour is, not only to excel in the classical sense but also to find new opportunities for serving the society in ways hitherto not imagined. As an important stackholder of ecosystem, we must act towards strengthening the efficacies of recycling, waste management, energy efficiency, designs without pollution, paperless office, renewable energy utilisations, environment harnessing, effective use of natural light and ventilation, sustainability education or other relevant activity, for contributing to this world vision.
To solve the complexity of present-day and enhancing the efforts for building India as the leader of the 21st century, we need to become master of the problem instead of allowing the problems to become our master. Missile man turned People’s President Dr. Kalam’s acts, ideas ad vison will remain relevant for the Nation for overcoming the contemporary and upcoming hurdles as well as transformative journey from developing to developed Nation. The space science & technology sector will always remain indebted to his unparalleled contribution. We should strive that the Minimalist approach should overpower the materialism approach, and more compassion and kindness needs to be created for human intervention and converting our scattered efforts into the collective strength for boosting the spirit of nature protection for all living beings. During seminars and conferences, Dr. Kalam’s routine practices of administering the oath to uphold value, principal, and dignity of the profession have inspired attendees to introspect and take value based action for better society. The book “Family and Nation” is treatise of values for building sustainable society wherein along with Jain Muni Acharya Mahapragya, Dr. Kalam shows the rightful path for making India a great Nation.
India is witnessing an instrumental role in local to global governance. From strengthening the local self-governance to proposing the reformative multilateralism of United Nations, represents our commitment and determination for democratic values. Dr. Kalam advised politicians to show maturity of politics and its utilization for the sustained development of the country. As per article 79 of Constitution, Parliament consists of the President and the two Houses of Parliament i.e. Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha. Emphasizing this affinity, he expressed his concerns for the intermittent disruptions of Parliament many times. As part of his IIM Shillong lecture, he wanted to give a challenge to young professionals to come up with three innovative ideas to make Parliament more productive and vibrant.
It was Kalam’s inspiration that institutionalized the Sansad Ratna and Maharatna Awards for recognizing and rewarding the best performing parliamentarians for their active role in various categories of parliamentary intervention i.e., debates, questions, Committee’s performance among other. I received these awards for parliamentary performance during 15th Lok Sabha. I had several informal discussions with Dr. Kalam on MPs’ role and Parliament before the publication of his famous book ‘Manifesto for Change.’
While Abdul Kalam is dreamt of Developed India, PM Narendra Modi is leading the journey to achieve this dream. PM’s clarion call of Aatam Nirbhar Bharat has further given impetus to our earlier efforts. The identification of champion sectors, collaboration and symposium of internationally best practices and vocal for local campaign, boosting local manufacturing etc. domains are few determined steps towards making India Superpower as envisioned by Dr. Kalam. The holistic implementation of ‘self-reliance in totality’ principal across the sectors is guiding the government’s action. Now in 17th Lok Sabha, Parliament is functioning effectively and witnessed dynamism of MPs for their legislative work towards Nation building.
While demitting the office of President of India, during concluding remark, he said: “my mission in life which is to bring connectivity between billion hearts and minds of the people of India in our multicultural society and to embed the self-confidence that “we can do it.” The larger than life persona of Dr. Kalam had immersed fully in the hearts and minds of people to the extent that after his demise, his follower described RIP as ‘Return if Possible’. A scientific genius, poet, writer, teacher and sheer believer of hard work, Karam Yogi Kalam’s wisdom will always remain the guiding light for us. Individualistic changes need to be synchronized with systemic changes for paving the way for building ‘developed India’ and ‘creating livable planet earth’ as envisioned by Dr. Kalam. On his death anniversary today, let’s pay tribute by connecting to ideas of the great soul.


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